Kwale Economic Corporation

Strategic Community Investments Solutions


Kwale Economic Corporation (KECO) is a legally registered public limited company registered in the year 2020, as an outcome of a local content optimization and supplier development partnership of the Ummah Initiative Group (UIG), the Kwale World Class Mineral Sands Mine Operator Base Titanium and the Germany International Development Cooperation (GIZ). In order to overcome the myriad challenges and gaps affecting SMEs in Kwale County, Kwale Economic Corporation, a public limited company was conceptualised and registered. 

The business scope and objectives of the Kwale Economic Corporation are as outline below:


Pooling affirmative action funds and other empowerment facilities targeting youth and women economic empowerment to build a strong Kwale Economic Corporation

Despite the presence of many affirmative action funds in the County it has not been possible yet to build a large scale company that is competitive enough to attract serious business contracts for the benefit of community members. Kwale Economic Corporation is an opportune moment for the various affirmative action funds initiatives in both national and county government, the private sector, banking sector, local and international development agencies to channel grants and loans to help build a large scale community driven corporate entity with professional management.


Exploiting strategic business opportunities within large scale investment projects in Kwale County such as Base Titanium, DEVKI Steel and the upcoming Magandia Bamburi Cement

It is quite unfortunate that many strategic opportunities for the Kwale community to do serious profitable business with mega investments projects in Kwale have been lost. Kwale Economic Corporation is ready to fill this gap. Reorganising our people, pooling resources and strategic repositioning to optimize all available economic empowerment opportunities in the full cycle of mega projects starting from conceptualization, development, production, value addition, asset disposal and recycling to create new environmental friendly circular economy opportunities.


Reorganising Kwale farmers and traders to optimize supply chain opportunities in the hotel and tourism sector including the optimization of existing agro minerals to boost the agribusiness sector

For decades Kwale community has failed to utilize and optimize the readily available market of goods and services in the vast hotel and tourism sector. Kwale Economic Corporation desires to turn the table for the benefit of local communities. The coastal region as well boasts enormous potential for agro minerals including the existence of the Coast Calcium.


Authorized Dealer Certification and Sub Contracting Business Arrangements

We desire that Kwale Economic Corporation can grow to be a certified dealer of various strategic original manufacturer products and services. Enormous economic empowerment opportunities for local SMEs have been lost due to long term business contracts with original manufacturers and distributers exploiting the after sales services window fully to their advantage and at the expense of economic empowerment of local communities. Kwale Economic Corporation is coming in to fill this business life threatening gap. This can further be strengthened by a business environment where initial project negotiations put a lot of emphasis in creating serious sub-contracting opportunities out of large scale business contracts.


Packaging Investment Opportunities for Public Private Sector Partnerships

Kwale Economic Corporation will proactively explore business and development opportunities across Kwale County to package viable opportunities for public – private sector partnerships. This comes at the opportune time where massive business and community development infrastructure is being completed across Kwale County. The Tsunza Bridge, Check point interchange and the Dongo Kundu Economic Zone, Shimoni Port to mention but a few.

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